For over 30 years, B. Douglas Townshend has touched the lives of countless young men and women of Lowell.  As Lowell High School’s Director of Music, he has directed such diverse groups as The Show Choir, The Special Chorus, The A Cappella Choir, as well as Male and Female Barbershop Quartets.  Thanks to his tireless efforts and dedication, the joy of music has been instilled in so many adults.  As a result, the Lowell High School Alumni Chorus was formed, and continues to bring together students from many years to sing and share the joy of music with so many others. That experience has been so rewarding that we wished to give something back to our Mr. Townshend.  What more fitting tribute than the B. Douglas Townshend Choral Arts Scholarship?

      The B. Douglas Townshend Scholarship is funded, in part by the Greater Lowell Community Foundation, along with proceeds of the LHS Alumni Chorus Concert for Scholarship.  The scholarship is awarded to a deserving Lowell High School student wishing to pursue his or her education in the field of Music.  Please take this opportunity to support the Arts in our community.  Your tax deductible donation in any amount would be greatly appreciated.

Keep Music In Your Heart And You’ll Have Harmony In Your Life